EDM Network's mid-sized, four-axis Fast Wire EDM machine quickly removes 3D-printed metal parts from larger build plates.
EDM Network’s newest, mid-sized Fast Wire EDM machine, EDMMax656W, is developed for the laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) 3D metal printed market. The Fast Wire EDM was designed to quickly remove 3D-printed metal parts from the larger build plates — 625 × 625 mm in size. More recently, EDM Network notes that small molds are also being 3D printed to be used in this type of application. Machining Tantalum Round Bar/Rod

The Fast Wire EDMs are not flush dependent, meaning that, unlike typical brass wire EDMs, printed parts can be randomly positioned on the build plates when cut. Cutting can also be performed approximately three to four times faster in these interrupted flush conditions with no wire breaks. The use of molybdenum wire and paper filters reduces the average cost to operate to about $1.00/hour.
EDM Network’s machines are available in three sizes: 410 × 410 mm, 625 × 625 mm and 1,050 × 1,050 mm for very large plates. The Fast Wire EDMs are full four-axis wire EDMs that can also cut shapes and can be programmed to follow the path of the support structure to reduce secondary operations. An on-board CAD software system is included to import DXF files. On-site training is included.
In addition, EDM Network says it offers more specific EDM equipment such as ZNC and CNC Sinker EDMs, as well as a dust-free, high-speed graphite mill for cutting electrodes for the EDM process.
The EDMMax 434W is a four-axis wire EDM that uses a 0.007" diameter molybdenum wire, which draws the water-based dielectric through the cut, cooling it and pulling the small chips out of the kerf at a very fast rate.
According to EDM Network Inc., the Fast Wire EDM is capable of cutting speeds that are two to three times faster than traditional wire EDMs.
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